All kids go through emotional ups and downs. They feel angry, frustrated, or sad from time to time and this is completely normal. Life-changing situations can really take a toll on children and cause changes in their behavior. It’s essential you recognize the difference between normal behavior changes and behavioral problems and when it’s time to get some help.
Bad Behavioral Signs Your Child Could Benefit from Occupational Therapy
Behavior issues lasting for six months or more can be a sign your child requires behavioral therapy by a pediatric occupational therapist. These issues are frequently more severe and could involve behavior that’s disruptive or aggressive.
All kids will occasionally push a sibling down who makes them angry or kick the couch after their parents tell them no. However, if your child has an issue with aggression, they’ll likely behave in these ways:
- Physically fights and attacks other kids or adults
- Frequently becomes furious or loses their temper
- Is often argumentative, disruptive, or sullen
- Becomes frustrated easily
- Performs poorly in school or doesn’t participate in organized activities or other classroom activities
- Frequently blames others or denies responsibility for their misbehavior
- Fights or argues constantly with family members
- Frequently won’t accept parental authority
- Inevitably refuses to obey rules and challenges authority
- Has difficulty making friends or taking part in social situations
Aggressive kids will act this way in more than one location like home, school, athletic activities, or social events.
Your first step is to schedule an appointment with the pediatric occupational therapist. They’ll look at the symptoms your child is displaying and consider other factors and will help you determine the next steps, which may include some therapies, such as sensory integration. This could be a comprehensive evaluation and mental health testing. With the correct diagnosis, you can decide on the right course of treatment which could very well be behavioral therapy.